Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mudhoney at Nelsonville Music Festival 2009

I first shot Mudhoney in 2002 at The Grog Shop in Cleveland. Then in 2009 they were one of the headliners at the Nelsonville Music Festival in Southeast Ohio. This year you might have heard of it because it was one of the only summer dates for The Flaming Lips. The people that run the fest are great and it's another one of the reasons I miss living in the Athens area

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our Concert Could Be Your Life Pt.2

When doing larger shows I try to edit out multiple images of the same performer. But Ted Leo was a total highlight for me. As mentioned earlier he covered Minor Threat. St. Vincent was Big Black. Buke and Gass is my first favorite New York band. Yellow Ostrich did Beat Happening. Finally you see my favorite author crowd surfing as all the different members of the groups from the evening did a surprise Nirvana set. I gave up my chain wallet and combat boots a while ago but it warmed an "old" punk rocker's heart to be a such a fun show.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our Concert Could Be Your Life Pt. 1

The book Our Band Could Be Your Life has been my favorite piece of writing since I first came across it. I was in high school and without a doubt finding it at that time changed my life. It's only been the last few years that the popularity of the book has really been seen with numerous groups referencing it. May 22, 2011 was the 10th anniversery of its release and the author Michael Azerrad curated a concert to commemorate it. 14 current indie bands covered the 13 groups written about in the book.
Seen here are Ted Leo as Minor Threat, Craig Finn from The Hold Stead during Titus Andronicus' set as The Replacements, tUnE-YarDs as Sonic Youth and an appearance by Azerrad himself.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Other things for you to check out

I'm sure you've noticed that anytime I shoot a show someone named Austin Trunick is the writer of the article. On top of all the work he churns out about 4 articles a week for different music websites. He is probably able to do so much more because he is more ambitious and requires less that 2 and half hours of sleep a night. But to make it easier to find all of the work he has been up to lately check out his feed at You'll maybe see my name pop up there once in a while when I get my ass off this broken futon.